Participant Registration

What is Presbyterian Pilgrimage?

Presbyterian Pilgrimage is a purposefully designed method for renewing the faith of Christians, and, through them, the environments in which they live and work.  Pilgrimage is a short course in living the Christian faith and is designed to provide a framework for the development of Christians in the local church and in the world.

Who Goes To Pilgrimage?

The weekend is not designed to convert from unbelief to belief.  It is intended for Christians who already have faith and who seek continued growth in that faith and commitment.  It is the goal of Pilgrimage to guide participants into an even closer and more personal relationship with Christ, and to heighten their joy, deepen their faith and invigorate their life in Christ.  Pilgrimage intends to return the participants to all the environments in which they have influence and, through them, to affect those environments in a Christian manner.  Both single and married are welcome.  Married couples should attend together if possible.  The staff is composed of clergy and lay persons who have previously attended a weekend and have been trained to serve in this leadership role.

How Can I Attend a Pilgrimage?

Fill out the Registration form on the reverse side and send it to the Registrar.  Anyone who has previously attended may serve as a sponsor and provide you with details.  After registering, you will be notified prior to the Pilgrimage you are scheduled to attend.

What Happens After Pilgrimage?

The weekend is only a beginning.  What you learn and share during a weekend is intended to be put into practice in local congregations and communities.  Many others who have attended a weekend will support you.  You will have the opportunity to meet weekly in small groups to reinforce one another and to share the Christian life.  Larger groups meet every four to six weeks to share the joy and fellowship of our faith.  The objective of Pilgrimage is to inspire, challenge, and equip each church member for Christian action in the church, home, place of work, and community – in all of our environments..